Old School House Panorama cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Glyn Baker - geograph.org.uk/p/7484371


Meeting on Monday 15th May following the Annual meeting in the Macey Room.


  1. Apologies – Julian Melloy
  2. Minutes of the last meeting 17th April 2023 were signed as a true record.
  3. Matters arising – new signage has appeared around the village and on B1414, we do not receive any notification of this. We continue to hope for renewal and improvement of signage through the village, dependant on Essex Highways.
  4. Update on County Council & District matters- Cllr Dan Land unable to attend.
  5. Correspondence – North Falls Offshore Windfarm notice of consultation 16th May until 14th July members are encouraged to the advertised meetings or go on line to look at the proposals.
  6. Reports 

 a. Village Hall – has been redecorated. The Coranation Picnic in the Park was a great success with over 180 in attendance.

             b. Playpark & playing field – Wickstead’s still have to set a starting date for the refurbishment. The boules court is ready for play. It been suggested that residents might like to meet to socialise and play.

             c. Footpaths – still awaiting work on the footbridge in Cole Wood

             d. Highways & Transport – concern was expressed regarding Chapel Road being used as a rat run avoiding Thorpe-Le-Soken.  The Clerk is to approach the police to see if they could attend between 7.30am-9.00am & 4.00pm-6.30pm to see the increase in traffic & speeding. (copy to Dan Land for information)

  • Planning – notice of demolition of former production buildings at Bramble Island, Great Oakley .
  • Finance Report – balance £9892.

Annual Parish Assembly will be heldon Friday 19th May 7.30pm  followed by Village Fete meeting, in the Village Hall.

Next P.C meeting Monday 17th July

Meeting closed 8.50pm